Create an enjoyable and meaningful Python Developer eXperience.
I have recently created a trivial open source Python package, named tally-counter
The objective here was to play around with some tooling that could make shipping Python projects easier and better, rather than the product itself.
“The journey is the thing.”
– Homer
Let me take you through it.
Important The scope of this post is not to give the reader instruction on how to configure and implement these tools. Some tips are given, and excellent documentation is available at the links provided.
Nox is a command-line tool that automates testing in multiple Python environments.
Why use this? An open source Python package should support all current Python versions (currently >= 3.9, <= 3.11
). Nox can run unit tests and linting fixes or checks in all of these Python versions in a single execution.
Here is my
(kind of cool that the configuration language is Python):
"""Nox configuration."""
import enum
import os
import nox
# Set to True if Nox is running in CI (GitHub Actions)
CI = os.environ.get("CI") is not None
# Supported Python versions
PYTHON_VERSIONS = ["3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11"]
class Tag(str, enum.Enum):
"""Define acceptable tag values."""
TEST = "test"
LINT = "lint"
@nox.session(python=PYTHON_VERSIONS, tags=[Tag.TEST])
def pytest(session):
"""Run all unit tests."""
... # Snipped
@nox.session(python=PYTHON_VERSIONS, tags=[Tag.TEST])
def doctest(session):
"""Run doc tests."""
... # Snipped
@nox.session(python=PYTHON_VERSIONS, tags=[Tag.LINT])
def black(session):
"""Run the black formatter."""
... # Snipped
@nox.session(python=PYTHON_VERSIONS, tags=[Tag.LINT])
def ruff(session):
"""Run the ruff linter."""
... # Snipped
@nox.session(python=PYTHON_VERSIONS, tags=[Tag.LINT])
def mypy(session):
"""Run the mypy type checker."""
... # Snipped
Note Specifying session
parameters enables grouping of sessions by purpose.
Ruff is an extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
Why use this? Linting is a great way to detect buggy or poorly-implemented (smelly) code. Ruff is able to lint code to a number of well-defined style rules.
Here is an extract of rules to follow from the pyproject.toml
select = [
"E", # pycodestyle Error
"F", # Pyflakes
"B", # flake8-bugbear
"W", # pycodestyle Warning
"I", # isort
"N", # pep8-naming
"D", # pydocstyle
"PL", # Pylint
ignore = [
"D107", # Missing docstring in `__init__`
"D203", # 1 blank line required before class docstring
"D212", # Multi-line docstring summary should start at the first line
Ruff editor integrations are available.
Mypy is a static type checker for Python.
Why use this? Checked Python type annotations make code safer and easier to read and understand.
A NyPy Visual Studio Code extension is available.
Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter.
Why use this? When code is shared in a team or community environment, it makes sense to have this code conform to a standard format. This removes ambiguity and allows contributors to focus on implementation. Formatted code is also less prone to raising linting issues.
Black editor integrations are available.
pre-commit runs a number of checks before git commits may succeed.
Why use this? Running pre-commit checks may prevent committing incomplete or faulty code by detecting issues before the commit may succeed. Some of these are just downright useful:
, *.toml
) formattingmain
branchI have also created a Makefile
that contains some helpful shortcuts for often-used instructions.
❯ make help
help Show this help message
install Install dependencies
lint Run linting in all supported Python versions
test Run unit tests in all supported Python versions
update Update dependencies
The lint
and test
targets use Nox to run these jobs on all supported Python versions (>= 3.8, <= 3.11).
This does take a bit longer, and requires that the supported Python versions are installed on the developer’s machine (on that note, do have a look at pyenv
You can thus specify which Python version(s) should be used by Nox like this:
make lint PYTHON_VERSIONS="3.8"
The project makes use of GitHub Actions to facilitate Ci/CD workflow.
When it comes to release workflows, there is no one size fits all solution. Requirements will vary based on the project’s maturity and the number of contributors. And requirements will change as the project grows.
For this project, I have decided on the typical Git Feature Branch Workflow.
, then
, then
The Build Action runs these steps:
, create a new GitHub release, named for the semantic versionThis was a bit of a hack, but it works quite well. At the moment, I cannot think of a better way.
attribute is our single source of truth for the package sematic version.
name = "tally-counter"
version = "0.0.9"
To create a mechanism of retrieving this, the package
contains this code to set a __version__
"""Tally Counter."""
import importlib.metadata
# ... snipped ...
__version__ = importlib.metadata.version("tally_counter")
This string values can then be accessed by:
>>> import tally_counter
>>> tally_counter.__version__
The build CI can then map this output to a BRANCH_VERSION
environment variable:
# ... snipped ..
# Get the HEAD branch semantic version
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Map outputs to environment variables
# ... snipped ..
- name: Pip install this package
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install .
- name: Set HEAD_VERSION
id: set-head-version
run: echo "HEAD_VERSION=$(python -c 'import tally_counter; print(tally_counter.__version__)')" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Set HEAD_OFF_MAIN
id: set-head-off-main
if: $ # Skip if "main"
run: |
git fetch origin main:main
if git merge-base --is-ancestor main HEAD; then
# ... snipped ..
And then checkout main
, and do the same again
# ... snipped ..
# ... snipped ..
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: head-branch-version
# Run a semantic version check if this push is to a main descendant
if: $
# ... snipped ..
- name: Checkout main branch
run: |
git fetch origin main:main
git checkout main
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install semver
pip install .
- name: Set MAIN_VERSION
id: set-main-version
run: echo "MAIN_VERSION=$(python -c 'import tally_counter; print(tally_counter.__version__)')" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
run: python -c "import semver; assert'$', '$') > 0, 'Version not bumped'"
# ... snipped ..
Once all checks have passed, a release is built.
# ... snipped ..
# Create a new release if branch is "main"
needs: [head-branch-version, build]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: $ # Only create a release if the push branch is "main"
- name: Create Release
uses: actions/create-release@v1
tag_name: "v$"
release_name: "v$"
draft: false
prerelease: false
A second action will publish the new version to PyPI
This was just a quick and very high-level overview of the process. It can almost certainly be improved upon. Have a look at the repository to gain further insight on how it all fits together.